Eva suffers from a mental health disorder and is sitting on death row. She is convinced that her deceased brother whom she hallucinates about is still alive and guiding her to avenge his death. The target, her very own husband who is responsible for her brothers death.
Was her husband's murder a result of her mental illness or was this an act of premeditated murder?
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Although I promised I would never do it again, I did-several times. The more I did it, the more powerful I felt. I remember the first time I hit him. “Slap him,” echoed throughout my head as if I were travelling through the hollowest tunnel. My eyes burned through his flesh for what seemed like an eternity. The urge to connect my flesh with his travelled through every nerve in my body, until finally, the courage to satisfy the urge settled in. I slapped him. He must have liked it because we married a short time later.
I’ve been locked away at a maximum security women’s correctional facility for some time now. I was told by my counselor here in prison, Mr. Porter, that if i wanted to begin the healing process, I first needed to offer a confession without adding a “but” followed by an explanation as to why I did it.
“I killed my husband. There. I said; I killed my husband.”
Now that I have admitted to it, what good did it do? Nothing changed. Not one fairy tale character appeared before me waving a magical wand. Where was the fairy dust from the movies? The kind that dramatically floats about until it lands and causes an instant change of circumstances. I am still housed in the same eight-five square foot humdrum cell, awaiting execution.